The Stanford Equity Group investment platform offers our investors exclusive access to acquisition and operational expertise that generate superior risk-adjusted returns. All assets are vetted through analysis backed data and experienced real estate professionals.

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Passive Cash Flow - Principal BUYDown - Direct Fractional Investing

Apartment investing can be one of the best ways to build wealth and grow your net worth. By purchasing an income property like an apartment complex, you can reach financial freedom and build long term wealth. While it might seem extremely expensive and only viable for the rich – you

might be surprised how accessible apartment investing can be.

Black couple are new homeowners

Building Financial Gains

Real Estate investing through apartment building can be a premier method to

grow your passive income. There are many ways to invest in real estate today. From buying a property outright to fractional real estate investing, where you buy shares in a residential or commercial property.

Fractional real estate investing is becoming popular because it reduces barriers to entry for new investors. Fractional real estate investing means you own a fraction or portion of a piece of real estate, but you get all the same benefits you would have gained if you owned it yourself.

Stanford Equity Group Strategy

The company recognizes that there are many strategies that lead to real estate investing success. As such, we will use a variety of investing strategies, as appropriate, to achieve a variety of end-results.

The company will first focus its efforts on two strategic investment strategies – Fundamental Investments and Value-Play Investments.

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black couple working with a realtor

Our Strategy

In order to provide greater flexibility to meet its investment goals of asset accrual, cash flow, asset exchanges, and diversification, the company will look to outside for private money partners. Debt and equity partners will be considered to provide additional capital on top of that of the primary owners.

“Fundamental” investments will serve as the cornerstone of the company’s exit strategy.

By purchasing properties with the ability to generate consistently strong cash flow over the long term, the company can ultimately allow its investors to retire, while continuing to receive passive income into perpetuity.

Properties considered as fundamental investments will meet a strict set of minimum financial and cash flow criteria.   Additionally, properties considered for fundamental investment will ideally be located in areas where long-term growth (population, job, income, etc) is expected to thrive.

Can be carried out to quickly increase the value of the overall property.

The existence of short-term property improvement that can be carried out to quickly increase the value of the overall property. 

These types of improvement include – but are not limited to – the following:

  • High Vacancy Due to Poor Management
  • Below Market Rents
  • Extensive Cosmetic (not Structural) Repairs
  • Master-Metered Properties that can be Converted to Sub-Metered
  • Ability to Add Income Producing Services (Laundry, Vending Machines, etc)
  • Ability to Protest High Tax Assessments

is undeniably one of the proven, quickest and surest strategies available to investors.

An aggressive real estate acquisition campaign based upon the “value play” is undeniably one of the proven, quickest and surest strategies available to investors. When available, the company will pursue “value play” investments to generate short-term (1-5 years) capital gains.  The key to the value play will be purchasing mismanaged properties in temporarily depressed areas at well below current market rates; the goal will be to add short-term value and resell for large capital gains.  These types of transactions will provide the working capital needed to acquire additional longer-term “fundamental” investments.

Stanford Equity Group:


Has a focused approach to targeting and tracking equity partners.


Efficiently matches equity investors to various investment opportunities. 


 Monitors debt markets for optimal financing opportunities.


Operates comfortably at the intersection of entrepreneurial solutions with institutional results.

Interested in getting involved in the apartment acquisitions?

Don’t go it alone. Give Stanford Equity Group a call today.

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